Khamisu Artwork

Freelance Digital Illustration by Alex Riggs

Terms of Service

Use of My Work

- I encourage you to upload commissioned pieces to your galleries or any other social media, crop to use as icons for yourself, etc, so long and you link back to me and give me credit! :)
- If you wish to print commissioned work you may do so - if you’d like a certain file size for this purpose you must let me know beforehand so I can work in that size.
- You may not use commissioned work for personal profit (unless we discuss a deal that we agree on where I also get a cut), or edit my work (other than for cropping).
- I reserve the right to use commissioned pieces in my own galleries, social media, or for self-promotion/advertisement unless otherwise preferred and specified.


- I reserve the right to refuse any commission for any reason.

Off-Limits Content:

Naughty bits, sexual content, kinks, excessive gore (guts and such - blood is fine), humans, machinery, robots. The following are not off-limits but should be limited: I really dislike doing architecture, furniture, and the like, and I am not very good at them - so if you want these elements in a piece of art I may not be the best fit. But, feel free to discuss with me - if the amount of these elements is minimal, I may be able to work with it!If I am uncomfortable with something you want drawn, I expect that to be respected if I tell you that I am not willing to, or interested in drawing it. If I am not interested in drawing something, I can guarantee you that if I tried to force it, it would not come out well anyway!

The Commission Process

My Queue:

When you first get put in my queue, I will communicate with you about around when I anticipate being able to start your piece. This can be upwards of 3 months (rarely any more than this), depending on what I have going on in my personal/work life, and if I have other pieces that I am currently working on (either personal art or other commissions). You can view my Trello here at any time to see where you’re at/what I’m working on.While you are in my queue, I will not take payment from you just yet. I will only take payment when I am actively working on your piece. I don’t like to sit on people’s money until I am working on their art! This is my personal preference and I hope this is preferable for my clients as well. If this system does not work for you, please feel free to let me know and we can see about using a different system for you!

Sketch Approval:

Once I’m ready for your piece, I will send a sketch (sometimes more than one if I am unsure about the first one) for approval before I ask for payment.If your profile is rather empty and I can’t tell that you have a track-record as a customer, I may ask for payment before even doing the sketch. This is to protect myself. If you attempt to run off with a sketch, you will be blacklisted and posted about.


I accept payment through PayPal only. Payment must be sent in full before I proceed with the rest of the piece.


Please provide clear references of your character’s design when I am ready to start the sketch. If I need more, I will ask. If your only references are not easily readable (as in drawn poorly or too stylized, with little ability to discern the particular shapes and features), I may not be able to properly draw your character the way that you envision them - but I will do my best. If your references are simply not readable at all, I may not be able to accept your commission. It is also preferred if you can provide refsheets that are uncompressed - if they are compressed, the colors I pick from them may be slightly inaccurate due to the noise that compression adds to images. This is not usually that noticeable though - so I wouldn’t worry too much if you can’t send an uncompressed version!


I'll do major revisions during the sketch phase only. I'll allow two exchanges with revisions - meaning I send you the original sketch, you list revisions you want to be made, I send you another sketch, and you can clarify if any more revisions need to be made, I fix those and send another sketch. After that no more revisions will be made in the sketch/drawing its self.

Color Approval:

I will send you a WIP when the character is lined and colored, to ensure that I got all of their markings right. I will correct anything that may be off.

Further Revisions:

After this point, the only revisions I will do are ones that I ask about - for example, if I ask you if you prefer one color scheme or another and provide 2 options, etc. Beyond this, the only revisions allowed would have to be very minor. I have the right to refuse any further revisions that are regarded as unreasonable by me.

Communication, Refunds, and Turn-Around Time


If there is any undue delay in your commission’s completion, I will remain in contact with you about this! Please feel free to bug me if 3 weeks have gone by since starting the piece without any updates and I will gladly let you know how things are going. I will usually reach out to you myself before that much time passes, though. I believe in transparency and highly value communication as both a client, and as an artist. Likewise, if I reach out to you about something, I expect to hear back in a reasonable time frame (hopefully no more than a few days, unless there is an emergency or you lose internet service, or some other similar situation of course) so that I can complete your commission in a timely manner.

Turn-Around Time:

Upon taking payment, my turn-around time is typically no more than a month.


If I take more than 4 months to complete a commission upon receiving payment, you may request a refund - though I have never taken more than 2 months to complete a commission after taking payment. This 4 months is to protect both of us - me in case some emergency occurs on my end where I am unable to draw (this has yet to ever happen *knocks on wood*), and to protect you since the Paypal chargeback window closes at 6 months.


Price Revisions:

I have the right to adjust prices accordingly if the work requires more detail than usual, such as with scales, armor, weapons, action poses, etc. I will let you know what price I think is fair, before taking payment in full.I adjust my prices every once in a while - if you reserve a slot before my prices go up, you will be charged for whatever my prices were set at when you reserved your slot.

Additional Characters Option:

All my commission types other than reference sheets have an option to add additional characters for a fraction of the original commission price. This additional character can only be added into the same image as the other character.


If you have any questions or need clarification on any of this information, please don’t hesitate to ask!

About Me

Hi, my name is Alex (she/her) and I’m 34 years old! I’ve been doing digital art for about 20 years now as a hobby. I started off with my first digital works being edited images of Neopets in MS Paint. I’ve loved drawing animals since I was a young child, so finding an online community that loved animal artwork helped to launch me into the digital medium.I work full-time in an unrelated field as a trainer for technicians at a biotech lab, and I’ve held a bachelor’s degree in psychology since 2013 from California State University, Sacramento. I have explored careers in teaching and school counseling, and have worked ~10 years in food service, with kids with special needs, and as a substitute teacher - fortunately I have found a job that allows me to teach and mentor without the stress and cost of grad school.My interests are primarily in psychology (social, sexuality, behaviorism, addictions, and positive psychology/wellbeing), zoology (mostly large mammals), ethology (animal behavior - mainly predator/prey relationships and mating), and evolution.I’m a big fan of music - mainly progressive metal, with some melodeath, deathcore, and power metal sprinkled in.As for pets, I currently have a 13-year-old black lab named Tobi, and some smaller critters - I build tropical vivariums as a hobby that house poison dart frogs. I have 11 dart frogs currently - mostly Dendrobates tinctorius green sips, and 2 Dendrobates auratus Nicaraguan green and blacks. I also have a paludarium with firebelly toads, and an aquarium with fancy shrimp! I would love to have cats, but alas, our dog is not a fan of them.

Price Guide


Sketches....................... $40-$60*
*+$10 to add simple shading
Speedpaints………… $80-$100
Badges……………….. $100
Icons………………….. $100
Chibis………………… $80

Fully-Rendered Illustrations

Fully-Rendered Portraits + Simple BG…………... $100-$150+
Fully-Rendered Portraits + Design Elements……$130-$230+**
**Extra design elements such as geometric shapes, mandalas, nebulas, skulls, flowers, mushrooms, etc. increase price as add-ons.

The following are specific varieties of Fully-Rendered Portraits + Design Elements:
- Space Portraits…………...….. $130-$230+
- Watercolor Portraits………... $130

Illustrations with Scenic/Landscape BG…..….. $100-$200+

Reference Sheets

Reference Sheets……………….…... $150-$345+
Each full-body = $75
Each headshot = $40
2 Full-Bodies…………………………. $150+
2 Full-Bodies + 1 Headshot………….$190+
2 Full-Bodies + 2 Headshots……….. $230+
2 Full-Bodies + 3 Headshots……….. $270+
3 Full-Bodies + 3 Headshots……….. $345+
+ Simplified chibis, or detail shots = $20 each


Bust: $40
Half-Body: $50
Full-body: $60

+ $10 Simple Shading:


Bust - $50
Half-body - $65
Full-Body - $80
+$70 per additional character (full-body only)
+$10 Simple shading (middle example)


Can add extra elements for $10 each
(simple botanicals, accessories, etc.)

Bust - $80
+ $70 extra character

Half-Body - $90
+ $80 Extra character

Full-Body - $100
+ $90 Extra character

Example with 2 characters and plushies: $190 for 2 full-bodies, +$10 per plush = $210 totalAs you may notice, my style varies a bit in how I do lines (scratchy lines, soft messy lines, or mostly lineless). If you prefer one style to another please let me know - otherwise I will do whatever flows naturally when working!


Con delivery - $100
Mailed - $105
I open for badges yearly, about a month before Further Confusion for FC delivery, and I occasionally do them for BLFC.


Most of these are Halloween-themed, but I can do various other themes! Feel free to inquire about other ideas, such as other seasons, or other types of simple BGs.


These are mostly rather old so these examples are not very good.. I haven't tried doing one since 2019, so they would be closer to the quality of the first one!

Fully-Rendered Illustrations

Fully-Rendered Portrait
+ Simple BG

Please let me know if you have a preference between clean lineart or loose/minimal lineart. My style/technique tends to vary a lot with fully-rendered images. Showing me images of mine that are in line with your preference helps!Bust: $100
+$80 for an extra bust character in the same image (maximum of 2 extras)

Half-body: $130
+$100 for an extra character in the same image (maximum of 2 extras)

Full-Body: $150
+$130 for an extra full-body character in the same image (maximum of one extra)

Fully-Rendered Portrait
+ Design Elements

These utilize the fully-shaded, simple BG prices as base prices, but with “addon” elements that each increase the final price. The $30 or $50 extra is not PER flower, or PER skull - it’s for the addition of the overall addon type - in other words it will get you however many flowers I feel will be necessary to make the design look complete. Know that these are only examples of the elements I draw most frequently, so if you have other ideas of elements to add in order to stylize your portrait, let me know!It's hard to make these super cut and dry, so sometimes if I do 2 pretty simple types of add-on, I'll consider those combined as just one complex addon, or sometimes something that would normally be considered complex can be simplified enough to price it as "simple," etc. So these prices are a bit generalized, but we can discuss what level of detail you are interested in!

Simple Add-ons (+$30 each)Complex Add-ons (+$50 each)
Detailed Nebulas or CloudsMandalas/Complex geometric shapes
Watercolor splatters in the BG and/or on the characterSkulls

The following are various examples listed with their number of add-ons and final prices, to give you a general idea of price compared to level of detail! Be aware that some pieces listed are older and not as great :P


Base Price $100
Stop at the chest - may include some of the shoulders.


Base Price $130


Base Price $150

Specific Varieties of Fully-Rendered Portraits + Design Elements:

Space Portraits

By default, drawing any character in space is the base fully-rendered portrait price + $30 as a simple add-on (nebulas/stars). Any additional elements such as mandalas and geometric shapes, flowers, skulls etc. will incur an additional charge on top of this base price.Base prices:
Bust: $130
Half-body: $160
Full-body: $180

Watercolor Portraits

Bear in mind the 2nd row is years old, and my rendering skills have much improved since then!

Dark Mode:
Done yearly in October, but I can do them at other times of the year if desired!

Customers can choose to get any commission made for printing on a tapestry from Teepublic if desired (please let me know beforehand if you may plan on doing this, so I can work at a higher resolution than normal, and at the proper dimensions!), although it will cost an additional $30 or so to order (this money doesn’t go to me - it goes to Teepublic). I love mine and have it hanging above my badge display:

Illustrations with Scenic/Landscape Backgrounds

These include a full-body character subject that is a focus of the piece, with a landscape or environment surrounding/behind them.
Base price: $100 to $200
(+$100 per additional full-body character)
These can range widely in complexity and refinement level, and the prices reflect a combination of the level of background complexity (ie more simple, broad background elements vs. more detailed elements) and the level of refinement in the rendering of the character and the background (ie speedpaint vs. fully-detailed). Please let me know how much detail you'd like in either aspect, and if you prefer clean lineart or more lineless. If you don't have a preference, I will go with whatever I feel would best suit the piece!

Reference Sheets

Under Construction